Muller System (Median Structure)

May 23

19pm - midnight
Free entrance

Ground and 1st floor Le Commun (BAC) – Central location of Mapping Festival

Rue des Bains 28
1205 Genève

Median Structure has been active since 2013, inviting the best brew of the region to share their sound via their web-diffusion platform. Born of a passion for bass music, their selection is one of great quality. They love music and it shows. They will be streaming the show on their platform, so you can expect some Boiler Room vibes “à la Genevoise”.
All this to say we’re very glad to be inviting Muller System from Median Structure to get the vibe. Like they say it so rightly: “In vino veritas, In aqua sanitas, Aber im beer ist auch etwas !” So come for a beer and a few dance moves :)