VJ CONTEST (hosted by Gertrude Tuning & Schnautzi)
Soon, it will be useless to introduce the Mapping Festival VJ Contest. The festive rendezvous of the festival is held annually in the most beautiful cinema in the world, and hosted by the most beautiful couple of the world, Gertrude Tuning and Schnautzi. This is where international reputations will be made and unmade, and sweat, blood and tears spilled by litres.
Under the sharp eye of a professional board, candidates will compete in four rounds. In addition to eternal glory, winners will receive great prizes, and the opportunity to play live during the Zoo party on May 31.
The prizes!
- 2 x licenses of Millumin
- 2 x licenses of VDMX
- 2 x licenses of Liine Lemur
- 1 Blendy Dome VJ licence
- 2 x licenses of Modul8, offered by GarageCube
- 2 x licenses of MadMapper, offered by GarageCube
- 1 x Micromodul8 midi controller dedicated for Modul8, offered by GarageCube
- 2 x USB to DMX special edition for MadMapper
by Show-Jockey, offered by GarageCube
- 1 x Special Exclusive home made Wireless LED kit controller
for wearable application (limited edition), offered by GarageCube
- 3 x ARTNET DMX ODE controller, offered by Enttec
- 8 x RGB LED offered by Show-Jockey
- 2 x Artnet DMX controllers, offered by Show-Jockey
- 2 x Akimitsu R48 wearable LED from the New York Artist Sadoi, offered by Imagima
-Mapping Festival t-shirts, ties, stickers… for everyone
Registration is closed!