GABEY TJON A THAM (NL) – ))))) repetition at my distance
Gabey Tjon a Tham is an installation artist working with a variety of media and art forms. Over the years, her work developed from two-dimensionality towards interdisciplinary attitudes. Through this she realised the potential of sound and site specific installations to engage the audience with a given space. Her work consists of re-contextualized excerpts from reality that acquire their form within an architectural space. Midst this dialogue the perceiver is reverted to a process of reflection on its own thoughts, memories and dreams. Within this spaceless – timeless sanctuary the elements of the piece develop new relations to each other and their surroundings.
))))) repetition at my distance is a kinetic, light and sound installation based on a subjective interpretation of sound traveling through space. The memory of wind passing through trees becomes tangible as a field of 16 rotating vertical blue light wires that oscillate in spreading patterns. The wires behave like a living entity of individuals that respond to different forces. Through time they develop situations that evoke strong associations with natural phenomena and show organic choreographies and gestures shifting back and forth between the natural and the robotic. The flickering of light produces after-images on the retina that become an integral part of the experience, as they blend with the light produced by the installation.