Generative Physical Structure
Workshop conducted by Laurent Novac (CH)
Registration for this workshop is closed!
This workshop is an exploration in the field of generative art and the use of physical principles for the generation of objects, both ‘implausible’ and ‘natural’.
Day 1
The workshop begins with a team creation during which participants are introduced to different approaches of generative art and simple physical principles, in order to deform and generate 3D objects with Processing.
Day 2
Participants are then invited to develop their own creations. Code is provided, allowing to focus on the creative aspect instead of the purely technical aspect.
A collaborator from Geneva “Fab Lab” is also present to guide the participants who wish to make 3D prints of their creations.
Late in the day, a small lecture will be given by Yetkin Yilmaz, a researcher in quantum physics from CERN that will help forge a link between the current physics research and generative art.
“CERN is both about the physics of particles and the detection of patterns”
Day 3
Participants complete the practical implementation and finalize their creation.
Workshop ends with a print of a 3D snapshot of their works in Geneva “Fab Lab.
Instructor biography
A passionate of art and technology, Laurent Novac tries to reconcile them using technology as a tool for audiovisual installations, as material for data visualization or simply as basis for creation. Member of the VJ collectives Supermafia for several years, he participated in the creation of numerous audiovisual installations and performances. Since two years he is also an active member of the TSKZ association, which aims to promote the collaboration between artists and scientists, by organizing various conferences and workshops to teach new technologies such as Processing. He uses creative technologies such as Processing, Cinder, OpenFrameworks, for graphical and interactive programming. Since 2012, he works as computer engineer and creative developer at GarageCube, with the MadMapper and Modul8 software creators.